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Written work & speaking engagements
Written work & speaking engagements
AI in Mental Performance
Addressing area businesses and students from UW Graduate School of Business, Masters in Business Analytics program. Talking points: Performance Analytics (via People Analytics), AI Analytics Landscape in Sports, Qualitative AI - Capability Quotient and Mental Health.
Sloan Sports Analytics Conference - Competitive Advantage - 2020
Understanding how my patent-pending machine learning platform offers debiased personality traits, and the direct link to optimizing time to decision-making and 3 strategic outcomes.
At the Intersection of AI and Human Potential - Teamwork
Addressing HR Analytics leaders during the PAFOW 2020 San Francisco conference; connecting machine learning with sport psychology teamwork principles.
Self-efficacy in the workplace at Groupon
Dafna Aaronson
One on one interview about identifying talent and creating employee engagement through the lens of sport psychology principles - growth mindset, self-actualization, personality traits.
Mindfulness, Wellbeing, and Employee Engagement
A deep dive into connecting motivation theory, and principles from sports application, towards increasing employee engagement
Chapter 3: Intensity